Saturday, January 19, 2013

To Do List. . .

As I was scrolling through Facebook this morning, the following picture jumped out at me:

I had to "share" it because, too often, it's exactly how I feel.  I suppose I could change the second item to "spin my wheels" and it would be more fitting, but I often go through my days without a goal and without a sense of accomplishment when it's over.  I'm not sure why and I'm not sure how to change it. 

It's not that I'm not busy.  I'm plenty busy.  Just today, I woke up, drank 3 cups of coffee, took Gloria to Gymnastics, came back home, drank 2 more cups of coffee, picked Gloria up from gymnastics, came back home (the coffee was gone by this time), packed up a few things, drove to my computer guy's house and picked up my repaired laptop, took the kids to lunch (drive-thru, of course), dropped Gloria off at Megan's house, went to the shop, took Zach to BSU to purchase his books for this semester, went back to the shop, made a play list for a memorial service on Monday, helped Zach revise his schedule since his biology books alone were $400, went back to the bookstore to buy a sociology book for about a third of the cost of the biology books, went back to the shop, finished my playlist, went home, did the dishes, did a load of laundry, checked Facebook, wrote in my Blog. 

Granted, this is Saturday but the other days are pretty much the same song, second verse. 

Not sure where I'm going with this, but for now, it's food for thought.

On a related, yet unrelated note, we had a couple of interesting events this weekend.  Same venue, vastly different "entertainment" and audience.  I prefer not to be Googled so I'll post the event poster along with a picture for the two events instead of typing the words. . .

Friday Night:

Saturday Night:

Saturday evening's menu:

I had my fill of excitement on Friday night so I skipped out on Saturday's event.  Rob is there, as I write, and recently sent me the following text:

"I think someone threw up on my salad."

He just doesn't know good food and my only response was to call him a Redneck.  Other than that, he seems much more comfortable with Saturday's crowd than Friday's.  And that's all I can say about that. . .

Well, it seems that I have survived another day.  Almost time to go back to bed and start all over again tomorrow. . .

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