Tuesday, January 22, 2013


My photo for today will have no meaning for anyone but me. It's too time consuming to explain the significance but when I look back on this post, I will know exactly what I mean!

I am a filer. I file papers. In fact, I love to file papers. Love may be too strong of a word but I definitely enjoy the order that comes with having a place for things and being able to locate it fairly quickly.

This is the part that I can't really explain but I'll give it a quick effort. I have a filing cabinet that we bought at the auction several years ago and I think it's absolutely perfect. It has two long drawers and it holds 4 years worth of business receipts. When we started Committed Events with Kurt in 2009, I had to keep files for two businesses so I started color coding- pink for Committed Events and purple for Committed Caseworks. (i can already tell that if you've made it this far, your eyes have glazed over.)

ANYWAY... Today I finally got around to getting my files set up for 2013 and realized that I would have to remove the 2009 files to make room for the 2013 files. No significance whatsoever to anyone else. But to me it was kind of a milestone. 2009 is going in the archives. We've been in business long enough to ARCHIVE!

I've had 8 years worth of Committed CASEWORKS files archived but this is a first for my Committed Events files. It was a moment for me and, like I said before, I think I'm the only one who understands it. And that's O.K.

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