Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Thank-you, daddy, for always being there for me. Thank-you for showing me unconditional love and for teaching me the difference between a flat blade screw driver and a Phillips. Thank-you for taking the time to explain to me as a teenager why the answer sometimes had to be no. Thank-you for teaching me the importance of putting on a sweater instead of turning up the heat- I'm putting that into practice today. Thank-you for teaching me how to drive your pick up when I was 14 years old. Thank-you for not letting me win at Monopoly. Thank-you for ironing my Sunday clothes when I was a teenager even though I was supposed to do it myself. Thank-you for always making me feel safe and secure when I was growing up even when you might not have felt it yourself. And thank-you for all the times you've worried over me and encouraged me as an adult. I'm so glad you're my daddy. Happy birthday!!

1 comment:

KatrinaM said...

OMG! Gloria looks just like you!