Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Thursday, Another Horse Adventure. . .

We missed a lesson last Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday so Gloria and I were both very happy to get back to our horses today.

I think she might have even missed her weekly dose of poop-scooping. . .

Today I was thinking about just how far I've come in such a short time. This is the picture of my great dilema at the very first lesson. These two horses were between me and freedom and I couldn't get past them to save my life! I made light of it in my blog post for that day, but I have some serious fear-of-horses issues:

So, while this is a really badly recorded video, it is proof that I can now walk around a horses' behind without any fear at all. Well, at least I can walk behind Cookie; I'm still working on the other behinds. . .

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