Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gloria's Party Part 1

Although we have already celebrated Gloria's birthday with family and with her horseback riding class, one party was still missing: The all-important "friend party". Gloria has been tossing ideas around for several months. She's thought about having a disco party complete with karaoke and her disco ball, an ice skating party, a swimming-at-the-Y party and all sorts of other ideas in between. I wasn't too excited at the prospect of any of these ideas so I didn't push her to make a decision and told her we'd figure it out during Christmas break. On Sunday, she realized Christmas break would be over soon and she wanted to have her party. Now. We decided to compromise and have a sleepover with a mini disco party and a quick trip to the mall the next day topped off with a couple of hours of swimming at the Y. She did the inviting and the decorating and I just had to show up with a little bit of cash. The sleep-over was pretty easy. She opened presents. . .

. . . had a little pizza and pop for dinner. . .

. . . and then they disappeared into the family room to enjoy the disco ball.

I wasn't even invited to this part. . .

I managed to sneak a couple of pictures in anyway. . .

I didn't even bother to have a birthday cake since, at my last count, we had 6 birthday cakes between us during the month of December!! I just stuck a candle in some Neapolitan ice cream and called it good.
Since Rob rigged up the disco ball and Gloria did all the decorating, this part of the party was pretty painless for me.

It was the second half of the party the next day that required my time and energy. . .

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