Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I spent the whole day at church today. I arrived around 10:15 a.m. and left at about 10:15 p.m. Stephy and I taught children's church during the service, and then right after church, I ordered a pizza and Morgan, Stephy, and I hung out together for a couple of hours. I brought my bucket of beads and we had a great time just hanging out, chatting, beading, and eating pizza and cookies. I'm hoping to start some kind of ministry soon to middle school girls. It is such a difficult age and they need to be surrounded with people who love them and are willing to spend time sharing their own lives and just being real. These two girs are really quite amazing:

It was a fun, relaxing afternoon:

Gloria went to lunch with E. after church and then spent a couple of hours at her house before the two of them came back to the church to hang out with me. Megan came with Kristin around 5:00 for Administrative Committee and the three girls played outside. They are SO sweet (in this picture, anyway!!)

J stayed after church and hung out with Zach for the entire afternoon. I'm pretty sure they played Nintendo the whole time with very few breaks!! When Andrew came at 5:00, they all took a brief dinner break and then went right back to it!

After Morgan and Stephy left, I spent some time on the church computer typing up my notes from last month and putting together a schematic of our committee's responsibilities. By the time committee meetings started at 6:00, I was well-prepared! We had a good meeting and it sparked some good discussions afterward about what kinds of things we can be doing as individuals to encourage fellowship and ministry opportunities. I called Rob to come and pick us up since we have been sharing a car for a few months. . . and he needed just a little more time to work on the Subaru. The miracle is. . . he fixed it!!!! Rob has been racking his brain to get this car up and running and he finally solved the problem. After he installs one little part tomorrow, I will have a car again!!!! Yay!! He came and picked us up just after 10:00 p.m. and we went to the shop to grab a couple of things, to Walmart for milk, and home, tired after a long (but good) day, to bed.

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