Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007 Going Away Party

Today we all said our farewells to the Longs.
They are flying out on Thursday of next week- less than 4 days away. Even though we've known for awhile, it still seems so sudden. Tracie and the kids have been busy here packing, cleaning, showing the house, saying their good-byes, preparing the pets for a long flight, and plenty of other details that have to be done before the move. Jeff has been making plans over there so the family has a place to live and go to school. Everything came together last week and now the day I've been dreading is drawing closer. :(
Rusty will be flying in the cargo area of the plane and has to get used to his crate. He didn't mind it at all when Gloria was in there with him. I don't think I'll be sending her back east with him, though!

The kids all enjoyed hanging out. Zach and Austin usually play video games when they're together:

The kids all played on the tramp off and on:

Gloria and Megan joined the neighbors on the tramp next door:

We will miss everyone in the Long family.




And Corrie:

(of course, we'll miss Jeff, too, but he wasn't at the party today and missed this photo op)

I took lots of group shots.
This is Tracie and the kids with her late husbands mom and dad:

Tracie with Gil and Louise:
Corrie, Tracie, Kristin, and Ashlie:

Corrie, Ashlie, Tracie, Holland, Stephy, Carrie, Rendy, and Tracie's brother:

Carrie, Stephy, and Ashlie:
There was a lot of hugging going on:

Julie and Ashlie:

Julie and Austin:

Tracie and the girl next door:

Gil and Louise hugging Ashlie and Corrie:

Tracie and Sandy:

Ashlie and Stephy:

I'm going to miss these dear friends terribly.

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