Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

Today for history, our project was to decorate a replica of Frederick the I's Order of the Black Eagle. I'm trying my best to do regular craft projects with the kids and so I actually planned ahead and had the materials we needed. I was a little skeptical about how this would work. The directions said to mix 2 T of acrylic paint with 2 T of water, pour liquid starch into a pan and then drip the paint solution into the pan of liquid starch.
When you gently stir this mixture, you get a marble effect.

We had a template of the Black Eagle and we laid it on the surface of the mixture and, amazingly enough, it left a fabulous design on the template.

The directions also said to let the Eagle dry, tape a safety pin to the back and pretend to be a Russian noble. We declined.

I found some card stock and the kids experimented with dipping different shapes- it was pretty cool.

The completed masterpieces:

Rob loaned his "baby" out to someone else today. The Ramsa is being put to good use at the Egyptian Theater and Rob isn't even there.

I'm sure he would be there except he has a to-do list a mile long:

Zach has been enjoying the video camera lately and learning all of the cool things it can do. He video taped a bunch of the neighborhood kids today so we watched it together this evening.

This led me to dig out the old video tapes that I haven't watched in years!!

This is the video of Gloria's 3rd birthday party. She and Elsie shared a tea party and we held it in the sanctuary at church. They were preparing the sanctuary for new carpet and had removed all of the pews, so it worked out perfectly. In the picture, Katrina is leading the little princess' in a game of Three Blind Mice.
This is a photo that was taken at the party:

And then there were the videos of when Gloria was a baby. . .

I had forgotten how many hours I spent taping her baby and toddler years.

It was a sweet trip down memory lane.

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