Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

The kid's had their 6 month check-up today at the dentist. They both got a very good report although we all got in trouble for not flossing their teeth enough. It's hard enough getting them to eat vegtables, bathe regularly, finish their schoolwork, get 9 hours of sleep, and actually brush their teeth even once a day to find the time to get them to floss everyday!! Mother-guilt weighs heavily when it comes to these kinds of things. I'll put it on my list of very-important-things-I-need-to-do-everyday but I'm afraid it will still be about number 50. Sigh. . .

Gloria was nervous about the cleaning because she says it's hard to breathe and swallow when she has to keep her mouth open for so long. These are real issues to her so I gave the hygenist the head's up about the anxiety issues and she was pretty good about giving her "breathing breaks".

Middle Earth versus The Galaxy:

Zach has set up the Star Wars Risk game next to the Lord of the Ring's Risk game and is planning to have the orcs, elves, riders, ringwraiths, eagles, and cave trolls battle against the clones, super battle droids, clone tanks, and AAT tanks over the next several days. It'll be interesting to see who wins. . .

Meanwhile Rob and Dale are still working on the list. . . all 6 of these speakers have to be painted and re-loaded with all of their speaker peices/parts by Thursday night:

Jeff flew in last night and loaded the truck and trailer today. I dropped by to say hello and bring the baby cradle Rob repaired to be loaded onto the truck. It was great to see him!

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