Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 1, Vale, Day 4, Saturday. . .

We were moving pretty slow on Saturday as we began to take it all down. . .

We were all tired, hot and dusty but it wasn't like we had a choice. It all had to come down to be packed up and hauled back to Boise. . .

I don't mean to pick on Kurt but this is a perfect example of how we all felt:

We could only seem to work in about 30 minute increments before sitting down and shaking our heads about how tired we were. And hot. And dusty.

The afterglow of the perfect event the night before had faded. . .

Late in the afternoon we had a few volunteers show up to help with the final, heavy stuff. . .

It definitely helped. . .

But it still felt like we would never be finished. . .

Everything seems heavier when you're hot. And tired. And dusty.

We packed stuff into every possible space to avoid making a second trip back for the leftovers. . .

I drew the short straw and had to pull the portable stage. . .

We actually managed to fit in every last little thing. . .

While it was a great concert and a great group of people to work with, I wasn't the least bit sad to wave good-bye to this place. . .

Our new friends from the chamber had us over for a steak dinner at the end of a very long day and it was one of the best steaks I've ever eaten. . .

I'd say it was all worth it. . .

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