Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Misc. . .

So, I keep telling myself (and my kids!) that if I can just get through the next week, things will settle down and we'll have a nice, lovely routine again. I've been saying this since the end of August. I don't really expect to have what "normal" people call a routine but it would be nice to have something that resembles a schedule. . .

Anyway. . . Last weekend was pretty busy. Besides all of the stuff going on with our 2-day event downtown, I also helped Kristin with her mom's estate sale. OK, I wasn't a huge help and I even left my kids there for a day selling their own stuff, but I helped a little bit on Saturday (and I even went to church on Sunday)!! Gloria, who can't save a dollar to save her life, spent her yard sale money on some face paints. This is just ONE of her many creations:
I had the girls Saturday afternoon and evening and they were VERY creative!!

We also had another event going on across town. This is our third year on this event and it was the easiest set up yet thanks to Rob and Kurt coming up with a new, easier set-up plan! All we do on this event is provide lights to light up a dance floor and a little bit of pipe and drape. Last year we ran all of the cables through the ceiling which took ALL DAY LONG and was exhausting. This year we used S-hooks on the outside of the ceiling tiles AND we had Kurt so it only took about 3 hours to set up everything!

It turned out really nice and the client was happy. . .

The last two years we stayed for the event to make sure everything worked, but this year we had other things going on so we told them we'd be back later to take it all down. This is what it looked like last year:

So, we set it up on Friday night (from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.) and took it all down on Saturday night (from 11:00-midnight) and everyone was thrilled! We worked about 7 hours less than we did on the same event last year and were compensated the same amount. . . not a bad deal at all. . . And if I can just get through this week, things will settle down into a nice, lovely routine. . .

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