Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wednesday. . . Oh, So Normal. . .

Wednesday afternoon we had our last good practice before the quiz meet. Stephanie took it upon herself to make us matching shirts! We always talk about doing it, but this is the first time someone has actually done something about it!! They turned out really nice:

She even had our names put on the back!:

Victoria has been in charge of Wednesday Night Dinners this month and has been doing a fabulous job!



Steph and I have a tradition of taking very up-close shots of her. I'll bet I have close to 30 photos that look pretty similar to this one!!:

At Kid's Club, Gloria danced with Lauren:

Louise has been talking to the kids about the Civil War in Rwanda and about a woman who spent two months hiding in a bathroom that was 4' by 3' with 7 other people. She taped off a 4' by 3' space on the floor and had the kids sit in it while she talked. It's very difficult to imagine that someone could live this way for 2 months!!

We even had some of the adults try it when they came to pick up their kids. It's very claustrophobic and we were only in a pretend room!! I can't imagine what the reality must have been like.

After church Morgan decided to take one more picture of Steph and I in our matching shirts. As we were posing for the picture, I received a text message that buzzed the phone in my hip pocket and surprised both of us. I guess you had to be there, but it was hilarious!!

Photos of the weekend quiz meet will be coming soon!!

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