Monday, October 20, 2008


The first quiz meet of the 2008-09 season was held at Boise Friends over the weekend. We'll travel to Washington, Oregon and Northern Idaho for the next three, but the very first one was held right here at home. It was a lot of work but, thankfully, Allison is an incredible planner and delegator so she pulled it all off beautifully!!

On Friday night all the teams arrived at the church to register and to meet the people that would be hosting them over the weekend. Of course, we were all excited when Newberg showed up!!

It was fun to see Hailey, Talli, Jered and Elsie along with the others that we have gotten to know over the last few years:

Morgan and Jered:

As far as I could tell, registration went very smoothly.

Elsie is now taller than Kristin (not hard to do. . . ):

After registration I took the six kids home with me for a sleepover. . .

. . . Good times. . .

I tried to get everyone to bed at a reasonable hour so we could all be fresh for the quiz meet. I think the boys were asleep before 1 a.m. but the girls had a little loose tooth excitement so it might have been closer to 2:30 a.m. before they went to sleep. Good thing I'm used to those kinds of hours. . .

1 comment:

Gregg Koskela said...

Tanya, thanks for hosting the tournament, the kids, and posting the pics! I thought of you all lots this weekend, and wished I was there.