Friday, October 17, 2008

Ready To Put It Behind Me. . .

While I guess you could say this was our biggest event EVER, and in spite of the fact that we were tired before it even started, all things considered, it was a successful show. It was crazy and exhausting and surreal at times but we pulled it off in a big way! We worked through the night on Sunday night (Monday morning!) adding things that were needed due to the many changes made on Sunday afternoon, finishing up around 4:30 a.m., and arriving back at the arena at 6:30 a.m. I took about 300 pictures but refuse to post very many on the grounds that some of them make me feel ill. This is a good one of our arena set up: we provided the stage, the sound system, the truss and lighting, the two screens and all kinds of video stuff that I know nothing about that we hired someone else to set up:

We also were in charge of 9 "break-out" rooms in the hotel with screens, projectors, DVD players, flip charts and other things that I know nothing about, had absolutely no control over and relied 100% on Kurt and Rob to take care of. It was really nice having Marc's company work with us on the event and set up all of the video paraphernalia.

The event was a two-day convention with an attendance of about 600 people.

There were a lot of things completely out of my control, but what else is new????

We had keynote speakers. . .

. . . panel sessions. . .

. . . bands and break dancers. . .

. . . and so much more. . .

It was a little exhausting. . .

The attendees were served delicious meals complete with rich desserts twice a day. . .

Sometimes they even tossed some left-overs our way. . .

The event ended late Tuesday afternoon and we began the fun job of tearing it all down. Rob and Kurt attempted to "borrow" this bank of intelligence lights from the arena (not really. . . ):

We were moving pretty slow after two full days of using every brain cell available on very little sleep, but we were out of the arena at a pretty reasonable hour Tuesday night. . .

There is so much I could say about this event, good and bad, but I'm writing this almost a week after it happened and I am so ready to move on and put it behind me. I have much more important things to write about. Like horse riding lessons and quiz meets and birthday parties and Settlers of Catan. . .

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