Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know I sound like a broken record, but as I write this, we are at the tail end of one of our busiest weeks EVER. I have no idea when I'll have time to post pictures of everything but, in order to make sense of it myself, here it is in a nutshell:

Thursday afternoon was our first horse lesson and then the kids and I joined Rob in Baker where he and Kurt were working hard on the sound system installation. We spent Thursday night in Baker, worked all day Friday, got home around 9:00 p.m. (Rob and Kurt didn't get home until closer to 2 a.m.!) and headed over to Laura's house to play games until midnight. (I have to make time for fun in the midst of the chaos!). Saturday morning we had two big shows to prep for so we spent the day at the shop trying to line everything out. We had the truck loaded by 7:00 p.m. and we headed out to Nampa to set up for our Sunday show at the Civic Center. It took roughly 6 hours to set it all up so we didn't get home until close to 3 a.m.! On Sunday morning I dropped the kids off at church and met Rob and Kurt at the shop so we could load for our Monday/Tuesday event. We had to be at the Qwest Arena by noon (on Sunday) to meet the client and find out exactly where to put everything (especially the stage). The arena wasn't ready when we got there and Rob had to be out in Nampa at 1:00 to do a sound check for our Civic Center event so the kids and I and Kurt stood around at Qwest and waited. . . and waited. . . and waited. We were finally able to start setting up around 2:00 and everything went in slow motion for the next 4 hours (I'll post about it eventually. . . ). We had to leave at 6:00 to get out to Nampa for the start of that event but we knew we'd have to come back to Boise to finish setting up that event for a 7:00 a.m. start time on Monday morning. . . The concert in Nampa was great and everything went really well. We were out of there and headed back to Qwest by 11:00. Whew. . . I have so much more to say about all of this, obviously, but we ended up working through the night to get everything ready. . . Monday was like a bad dream even though everything on our end went very smoothly. We were out of there by 9:00 p.m. and fast asleep by 10:30!! I'm writing this on Tuesday morning and Rob and Kurt have already been at the arena since 7:00 a.m. Today will be easier but we'll still have to take it all down when it's over. . .

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