Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Gloria made a new friend on Tuesday. She named him Fred.
This is the place Fred calls home:

It's also the location of our biggest concert. Ever.

Lucky Fred doesn't have a care in the world. He has no idea that close to 2500 people will be descending on his territory in less than 36 hours. . .

He doesn't have to worry about gel colors and specific artist rider requirements . . .

He doesn't even have to think about the possibility of people being crushed to death under the weight of a 600 pound line array flying over their heads. . .

That's OK, I'll worry enough for both of us.

This show came up very last minute. We knew there was a possibility we would be involved but we didn't really know enough to plan for it until the end of last week. I guess it's a blessing we weren't thinking about it during the craziness of last week because it just might have pushed me right over the edge. The band coming in is Wilco which I have never heard of but is apparently a very well known band. They have very specific requirements and need a very large area to set up in. This little stage is no where big enough but Rob's handy so we added stage extensions to our bid. (In later pictures you'll see why this was so crucial!) Rob and Kurt had to build the extensions on site so after the truck was unloaded, Rob and I went to Home Depot to get the wood.

It was another one of those locations that makes a set up just a little bit easier. We were right next to a pond filled with toads and gold fish.

Gloria has been having a little mommy-withdrawal after the busy-ness of last week so we caught up on things while we watched the frogs swim.

She also got a big kick out of "flying" herself off of the truss. This purple thing she's swinging on will be holding up the 600 pound line array. . .

My big important job for the day was to cut the gels that we had to bring in specifically for this show. We have the basic colors: Red, Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Teal, Etc. but there are as many shades of these colors available as there are stars in the sky. Well, not quite, but there's a lot! The lighting director coming in with this band was pretty easy to work with but he had specific shades in mind and a definite order they needed to be in. I tracked down the colors that morning and spent quite a bit of time cutting them, placing them in gel frames and putting them in the correct order in the par cans. It was exhausting. . .

Meanwhile, Kurt worked on the truss, lights, cables and elipsoidals (mini-spots) while Rob worked on the stage and Gloria found new ways to "fly".

We were still finishing up the stage at midnight and Rob still had to put some finishing touches on the cases that will be picked up on Wednesday.
We'll be back here early in the morning to finish up before the band's semi rolls in at 11:00.

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