Thursday, October 18, 2007


My faith has been restored in the dental profession. I have had so many bad experiences with dentists that I absolutely dread going and will put it off for years if I can. I'm a pretty good brusher and flosser, so I've mostly been able to get away with it. When I finally gave in and had my root canal done a few weeks ago, Dr. Turpin did an amazing job. Not only is he professional and knowledgeable, but he actually cares about my health and my finances. Since we don't have insurance, every dentist I've been to over the years either wants us to pay the full amount up front or they want us to apply for a credit card that probably has a 24% interest rate. I usually can't pay up front, and I refuse to get a credit card so during these last 7 years of self-employment, only true dental emergencies have been taken care of. Dr. Turpin has been a refreshing change. He told me on the first visit that my credit was good with him and I could make payments directly to the office each month. He also brought up the suggestion that I could get all the other work that my mouth has been crying out for done right there in his office anytime. He talked with me about all of the options available and told me to think about it for as long as I needed to and to get back with him. To make a long story short, today when I went for my final root canal/crown visit, I decided to also get braces!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Turpin is going to give me a beautiful smile over the next 14 months and I'm thrilled!!! He started the process today and in just a couple of weeks, I'll look like a teenager. I guess it's a good thing I still get zits!!!! (P.S. Thanks to Victoria for recommending Dr. Turpin- you were so right, he's just what we needed!!)

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