Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Maze, Phase Two

Rob and Zach have invested a lot of time and money into this project. It's not just your everyday, run-of-the-mill, maze-in-your-front-yard type of a thing. All of the metal pipes in these pictures have gone through quite a process. First, they were measured and cut, then they were welded together with the correct pieces according to the measurements in the plan. After Rob welded them, Zach had to grind off all of the stray metal shavings and drill holes with the drill press into each and every end. Rob then welded nuts and bolts into each hole so that each corner can be tightened onto the pipe during construction.

This was a lot of work:

The pipes and corners had all been cut to fit a very precise plan. I was very impressed at how easily and tightly it all fit together:

They referred to the plan often and had to make very few adjustments.

This is where the dead end will be only Rob will be the one with the chainsaw!!!!

Putting on the black visqueen wasn't nearly as easy. It took all three of us to pull it, measure it, cut it, stretch it and tape it as all the neighborhood kids looked on. I was afraid the neighbors were thinking we were putting in an addition to our house. The final product was well worth the work.

The dead-end:

We are the people your parents warned you about. . .

Well done.

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