Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Girls

I've become very attached to the girls in our youth group. I remember very clearly how difficult it is to be a middle school girl and I would love to be able to save them from all of the junk they'll be dealing with over the next several years. I know I can't save them, but I can, hopefully, be a listening ear and can provide them with some of my wisdom ("boys are icky") and experience ("gossip hurts, just walk away"). Last fall, the idea of being more deliberate about hanging out with these girls started running through my mind. I pushed it aside for a long time because I knew I couldn't fit one more thing into my already packed life. I finally came to the conclusion that it's just something I have to do. But not just something I have to do; it's something I want to do. God always works out the details when I finally give in, so it looks like it's going to happen the 2nd Sunday of each month and will draw on the wisdom and talents of the "older" women in the congregation at each get-together. I've talked to several women who are willing to share their cooking skills, quilting expertise and even their knack for painting. For our first get together we started scrap booking the bazillion pictures I took over the last couple of years that have been hanging haphazardly all over the youth room. Letha Dillon and Kristin Adams both stayed after church and assisted the girls as they all laughed over the memories the pictures brought back:

There was a little sadness, too, as we looked at pictures of Ashlie and Corrie and talked about how much we miss them:

I just love these girls and I'm excited about how God is working in their lives and that He's letting me be a part of it!!!

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