Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Crafts

This is the time of year that I start to feel crafty- Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas have so much crafting potential!! I'm not especially creative, but my kids are, so it's fun to just put stuff out and see what they come up with. I googled Halloween crafts and came up with a couple of ideas, but the kids gave the projects their own special twists.

McKenna came over during part of the process and helped with the painting.

These pipe-cleaner creatures looked easy on the website!! They turned out OK but were tricky to make. We improvised a lot.

Gloria made the pretty glittery centipede and I made the other one:

Gloria and I each made a ghost tree:

Zach used pipe cleaners but he chose to paint a tennis ball and turn it into a black widow.

He painted his pumpkin green and made a great witch. . .

. . . complete with a wart on her nose:

Gloria calls this her Christmas Pumpkin:

These were created a few weeks ago when grandma came to visit. Pretty cute:

It took me all weekend to clean up the mess we made, but it was worth it!!

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