Monday, December 31, 2012

Jar of Cheer. . .

So, I'm sitting at home on New Year's Eve with Gloria who is sick enough to stay home but drugged up enough to think she's feeling better and refuses to sleep.  Drugs are miraculous things when used correctly and they are certainly doing their job today!  Anyway, I've had time to think about the year and I can't seem to see the glass as half full.  I'm not a pessimist by any means but I kind of think 2012 kicked my butt.  I was walking through Winco today and, being the people-watcher that I am, I noticed all of the tired faces.  Seriously, everyone looked exhausted.  'Tis the season, I'm sure, or maybe it's just my not-so-rose-colored bifocals, but there seemed to be a serious case of weariness going on. 

However. . . . I know there are good, good things going on in my life, I just can't see the forest for the trees, so to speak.  So when I saw this picture on Facebook tonight, it gave me something to look forward to!!  I'm going to call it my Jar of Cheer and maybe I'll even designate a label on the Blog for all of the good things that I want to remember and be mindful of in moments like these when I'm just really not feeling it. 

I'm not making resolutions but I think this is a worthy goal to reach for.  A perfect reminder that life really IS good and that I have plenty of things and people to be thankful for!

Happy New Year!!

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