Sunday, December 30, 2012

Slumber Party...

Choosing one picture per day is going to be more difficult than I thought.  Maybe I'm incapable of reaching this seemingly simple goal!  Gloria had ANOTHER birthday party last night (still need to catch up on the others!) and we had a fun night of skating and sleeping over. . .

Unfortunately, this is the last picture of her in a healthy state for awhile.  She woke up this morning with all the signs of the nasty H1N1 virus and ended up in Urgent Care with a temperature of 103.  We've had a slew of illness in the family, including a hospital stay for Dick after Christmas with Pneumonia.  I'm feeling a little guilty that I didn't offer Rob more sympathy when he was feeling so bad the last few weeks but I'm pretty sure he and Gloria have shared their germies.  Here's to hoping Zach and I dodge the flu bullet. . .

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