Saturday, December 15, 2012

Halloween. . .

I'm breaking all the rules and going out of order, but these Halloween pictures have been begging for attention! 

Zach designed his own costume and Rob helped him build it:

Zach knew exactly what he wanted and Rob (mostly) saw his vision and helped him create it:

It turned out great but we didn't anticipate the time it would take to get him ready to haunt the neighborhood. . .

In the meantime, the other Trick-or-Treaters waited (mostly) patiently. . .

It was a LONG wait. . .

The others finally gave up and headed out to gather candy knowing that we would catch up with them eventually. . .

Finally, the monster was created. . .

They were proud of the finished product.  Well worth the effort. . .

Unfortunately, Max was not quite as impressed.  He was skeered.  With good reason.  The girls knew exactly who was inside this scary mask but they were still a little bit freaked out by it. . .

Zach ended up taking the costume back off roughly 30 minutes after putting it on but then he had the opportunity to walk through Megan's neighborhood in the dark later in the evening. . .
In the short amount of time he was in costume, his work was rewarded with screams, camera phone photos, frightened children and, best of all, this comment from a 30-something dad: "That is the most awesome costume I have EVER seen."  It was a Halloween to remember. . . . .

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