Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bieber Birthday. . .

In case it hasn't been obvious, Gloria has a bit of a crush on Justin Bieber.  Our birthdays are just 6 days apart and December is busy. . . so. . . We shared a birthday party!  A Bieber Birthday Party. . .

Bieber doesn't do much for me but the LOTR action figure set I received from Dick and Jeanie made up for it!!

And, of course, it wouldn't be my birthday if someone didn't get me a few rolls of TP.  I'm just practical that way.  I also received TIDE Pods.  VERY exciting.  Seriously.

Max was a big help with opening our gifts. . .

And he's pretty lucky to have two uncles who love him. . .

Rob gave him a piggy back ride which is just what Uncles do, right?

The funny thing is, Max insisted on Rob taking a turn, too. . .

He's pretty much the sweetest little boy.  Ever. . .
I'll end this post with a riddle:  What's better than getting Justin Bieber for your birthday?? 
Wait for it. . .
Getting TWO Justin Biebers for your birthday, of course!!!!

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