Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Continued. . .

After opening our gifts at home and a short but sweet drop-in visit by my parents, we headed over to the Bakers to continue getting spoiled.  It was fun to watch Max enjoy the gifts. . .

These two have the sweetest love for each other. . .

I really can't post about Christmas without saying how much Matt was missed.  It wasn't something we said out loud although I wish we would have but I definitely felt his absence.  The presence of the Haynes-Petersons helped to fill the void but no one can replace Matt. 

Kimberly, Robert and Ross spent Christmas with us for the first time in at least a decade.  It's always so good to see them and to catch up with their lives in person.  I totally appreciate the way Facebook helps us keep in touch but you can't hug over Facebook!!

It was a lovely, restful afternoon. . .

Gloria painted this lovely birdhouse for Grandma and Grandpa. . .

And Zach painted this reindeer.  He said it is Rudolph's cousin from The Ukraine. . .

His name is Dragovitch. . .

Zach and Ross both had Legos to put together and Ross seemed very happy to have Zach's assistance. . .

We topped off the day by playing Chicken Foot and, of course, I won.  The scorekeeper always wins. . .

Robert, Kim and Ross are back in New York as I write this and I miss them already.  It would be so great if they lived closer but they have a great life in New York so I'll patiently wait for their next visit and keep up with them through texts and FB.  Thankful for all of my family!!

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