Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In The Meantime. . .

After Gloria and I dropped the boys off at Silver Creek for the big hike, we smart girls went back to the cabin to hang out.  We had cold drinks, chocolate chip cookies and flushing toilets. We spent a good chunk of our time down at the river teaching Jake to swim. . .

Jake is the biggest chicken-dog we've ever had.  He's afraid of everything and he yelps loudly even when he thinks something might hurt.  He's clumsy and a bit sideways but he's lovable enough that we can overlook it. . .

He wasn't thrilled about getting wet and he ran around like crazy trying to shake off the water. . .

Gloria was a very kind and patient teacher!!

Gloria also took the opportunity to practice her gymnastics which Jake thought he should be a part of!!

Is it just me or is it easier to breathe at the cabin???

I decided to get a some much neglected paper work done while I watched college football on cable.  I actually enjoy paperwork (weird, I know) so it was really pretty relaxing to sit next to the picture window with my laptop in front of me, the football game on one side and wildlife on the other. . .

We eventually had to make the long, steep, winding drive to pick up the hikers (right in the middle of the first quarter of the BSU game!!) and Gloria and Jake showed off their new skills in the river. . .
All good things must come to and end and reality called us back to work on Sunday afternoon. . .

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