Sunday, March 1, 2009

Helm's Deep

It was just like the battle at Helm's Deep. Except it wasn't raining. And there were no Orcs.

"So great were their numbers that they thought nothing of their immense losses and the Men of Rohan were sorely tried. . . " (The Tolkien Companion, p. 49)

The Isengarders also carried devilish devices, and shortly before dawn they used a 'blasting-fire' to breach the Deeping Wall and to carry it by assault. The defenders were swept away- or back into the Deep itself- and the Deeping Tower also fell to the enemy. . .

. . . Most of the Rohirrim and their allies had meanwhile retreated to the Hornburg, and there they now awaited the dawn, for it was believed that all Orcs feared the Sun and fought less well under its light. . .

. . . In any case, not even the Hornburg could long be held against the strength still arrayed outside its tall gates. . .

. . . Therefore, preferring to risk all in a final sortie, King Theoden chose to await the first rays of the Sun and then ride forth in a great charge. '. . . I will not end here, taken like an old badger in a trap,' were his words. . .

. . . So with the dawn came the King, mounted upon his horse Snowmane, surrounded by the Riders of his Guard, with his spear in rest and his shield blazing in the morning light. On his order, simultaneously, the great Horn of Helm rang out from the Tower, echoing and re-echoing in the chasm behind the Wall. . .
. . . The Isengarders were overthrown by this sudden sortie, and the Riders charged down the ramp and clove through them to reach the Dike. Behind them came the defenders of the caves in the Deep, driving their enemies before them like chaff. And so the invaders found their siege broken and their assault brought to nothing. . . " (The Tolkien Companion, p. 50)

Yep, Zach and I have been playing the same game every day for over a week. It may never end. . . Help . . .


Gregg Koskela said...

You are just too cool for words!

KatrinaM said...

Thanks for making me smile. I needed a little dose of "other-worldly" to balance out my school stress!