Friday, May 18, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rob went to a specialist today to have his hands checked over. Our family doc thought they might require surgery to regain full mobility so we were a little nervous going in. I was very impressed with Dr. Clawson. He sat across the exam table from Rob and drew sketches on the disposable paper as he explained what was going on with Rob's hands (Rob can hardly tell a story without drawing a sketch to go with it, so I thought this was great!). He let Rob know in no uncertain terms that he is not getting any younger and he needs to find some ways to stay active without causing permanent damage. He explained to Rob that when he was Rob's age, he played sports hard until he blew out both knees and now he can't even walk a golf course. He really tried to impress on Rob the importance of taking care of himself while he still can. It turns out that surgery isn't necessary and Rob will have to keep the last two fingers on his left hand taped for about 6 weeks and they should heal just fine!! Poor Rob has really had to face his age lately. He's still Mr. Incredible to me, though.
Gloria in curlers!

Zach at the end of the day:

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