Sunday, April 5, 2009

Extreme Makeover, Shop Edition. . .

In order to fully appreciate the magnitude and scope of this project, feel free to read some history of the business here and here and here and here.

The business has always been a work in progress, obviously, but some days/years it has felt like one step forward, two (or three or four) steps back. Lately, it's finally beginning to feel like two steps forward, half step back. The fact that we made it through another winter still intact and are headed optimistically into spring gives me hope that the future of the business is bright.

The links above give a pretty good history of how/why we attained this second building but I don't think it mentions why this wall is blue and part of the ceiling tiles are black. . .

When we sub-rented 3/4 of this building last year, the tenant had high hopes of turning it into a showroom but obviously fell a little short. . .

When we were suddenly faced with the full rental price once again as well as everything that goes with that, we decided to make the best of it. . .

Kurt and Rob spent some time putting in a "conference room" off of the main "showroom" and then, for awhile, that was as far as we got. . .

Rob found himself with a little time on his hands a couple of weeks ago so he decided to tape and texture. Zach was a big help. . .

Once that was done, it was much easier to see the big picture of what this room could be so we all got to work finishing it up. Of course, the blue wall had to go. . .

Rob acquired a handy, dandy paint sprayer which just made everything easier. . .

Rob even color-matched one wall to the carpet making it a vibrant gold color. . .

The carpet was an auction purchase a few months ago and we ended up selling off enough of the extra remnant pieces that the final purchase price to us was. . . nothing. . .

We hired a professional crew to cut and seam the carpet to give it a nice, finished look but saved a few bucks by gluing it down ourselves. (By "ourselves", I mean Rob and Kurt!):

It turned out really nice. . .

Rob used to be in the door manufacturing business, so it made sense for him to machine and finish the door and all of the trim. . .

It took a few days to finish it up, but the main wall and the conference room walls all have crown moulding along the top and pine base around the bottom. . .

I love it !!



I'm sure it will continue to be a work in progress as we decide on the best way to put these rooms to use but for now it just feels really good to FINALLY look somewhat professional!!!

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