Friday, May 9, 2008

Childcare 101

I had the privilege of watching Vic's 2 youngest kids the other day . . . Okay, my kids had the privilege of watching Vic's kids. . . Instead of readin', writin' and 'rithmatic, Zach and Gloria studied (self-taught) Childcare 101.
Gloria's first lesson was "Hair-Do's and Dont's". Lauren was a very patient model.

Meanwhile, Zach worked on his "Entertaining-A-Three-Year-Old Boy" class:

"Fun With Cookies" was a popular lesson:

"Bug-Catching and Research" was a big hit. . .

"Clay Molding With A Variety of Implements" went over well. . .

Henry taught the others a very important "Clean-Up-After-Yourselves" lesson when he put everything away by himself before leaving the classroom. . . Very impressive. . .

After lunch, in "Children's Health", we all learned the importance of rest. . . and nasal extractions. . .

Everyone got a break from their studies at recess. . .

. . . Except for Zach, who learned a really difficult lesson about the dangers of riding a tricycle when you're almost 16 years old (the pictures are a re-enactment only. . . I made him show me, in pictures, what happened before I could give him any sympathy at all. . . I call that lesson "Tough Love" or, maybe, "Blogger's Obsession". . . )

Poor Baby. . . I tried to be sympathetic. . . I really did. . .

After recess, we had Music Lessons. . .

. . . Then we took a little field trip to Grandma Jeanie's house. . .

. . . where Zach was given the kind of true sympathy that only a grandmother can give. . .

At the end of the day, Zach worked on his Photography lesson while the others perfected "Being Cute" and "Fun-With-Snacks-From-Grandma". . .

(Here's Henry doing his Health Homework. . . )

I think I'll give everyone an "A" today- they deserve it!!

Thanks for sharing your kiddos with us, Jason and Vic!! Love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that those are the most adorable children that I have ever seen. The resemblance to their favorite Aunt Lori is so obvious!