Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tea For Two

On Saturday, Gloria and I went to a Tea Party in honor of Katrina and Elsie. I am still deeply in denial about my dear friends moving away so I pretended it wasn't a going away party. . . It was merely a lovely afternoon tea party . . .

. . . There were plenty of yummy treats. . .

There was lively conversation. . .

. . . And, as the official photographer for the event, I found plenty of women and girls willing (?) to pose and smile for the camera. . .

I hid behind my camera and pretended it was just another afternoon tea party at the church. . .

And then Louise had to go and say something like, "I just can't imagine what Megan and Gloria will look like without Elsie". Thanks a lot, Louise.

She went on and on about how wonderful Katrina is and how much she's contributed to people's lives and how honest she is about her own struggles and spiritual growth . . . I tried to plug my ears and block it all out but instead, I nodded, and cried, and agreed with every word of it. Until she got to the part where she said she was more in denial than anyone. I couldn't agree with that.

And then Karla got up and poured salt on my wounds by speaking the truth about Katrina's friendship and how easy she is to talk to and what a great friend she has been all these years. . .

And Joyce spoke about Katrina's ability to encourage and laugh in the midst of difficult situations and how easy she is to talk to. . . and I agreed, again, and cried some more. . .

And then Sue and Charlene sang, "Friends" by Michael W. Smith and I sang, "La, La, La, La, La" in my head to block out the words. . .

I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. . .

It didn't help much that I was sitting at Elsie's table listening to these women talk about her growing into a beautiful young woman. . . They listed her amazing qualities like beauty and wisdom and grace and leadership and humor. . . and we all cried. . .

And then I got up to sing. All I could say was that I agreed with everything that had been said and that I was too much of a ninny to say it myself for fear I would start crying in earnest. . . and never stop. I confess that I didn't actually choose a song until the day before but when I went searching for just the right song for Katrina and Elsie, one CD practically jumped off the shelf and into my hands. I'm not sure how I got through it, but it will always remind me of Katrina and Elsie and the impact they have had on me and others and how they will continue to offer love and encouragement to others no matter where they are. I love you, Katrina and Elsie and I will not say good-bye anytime soon!!
The Potter's Hands:

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