Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hawks Revisited

After the tea party on Saturday, Rob called to ask if Zach and I could come and help him at Hawks for awhile. Installing these speakers really is a two-person job and he sounded desperate, so off we went. Zach drew the short straw and had to go with Rob up on the lift. (Truth is, I had on a skirt so I was automatically eliminated. . . ) Zach wasn't too thrilled at the prospect.

We are very close to being done with this project and eventually this pole will have all of it's speakers. . .

. . . Just like this pole:

Zach was great at being a second set of hands for Rob.
Meanwhile, Gloria posed prettily for my camera. We were there for quite awhile and all I had with me was my camera. . .

The speakers are fairly heavy so this was no easy task.

I had visions of them crashing down from that great height so I made Gloria move far, far away.

When they finally came down, Zach was very happy to be back on the ground.

As of Wednesday afternoon, 98% of this project is finished and everything looks great. One more thing to check off the list. . .

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