Sunday, August 12, 2007

Gloria attended VBS at the Friends Church in our neighborhood for five days last week. She had a great time and made lots of new friends. She brought home a flyer that invited all parents and grandparents to church on Sunday to listen to the kids sing a couple of VBS songs. Since Rob's parents would have the kids overnight anyway, it was the perfect opportunity for all of us to go to church together Sunday morning. It was a really nice service and I felt right at home since I already know many of the people who attend there. Everyone was welcoming and friendly and Rob's parents felt very comfortable as well.
After church, we went to Wendy's for lunch. Rob's mom has recently had eye surgery and shoulder surgery and his dad will be having surgery on his leg on Monday. It was nice to spend time with them today.
On the way to church for committee meeting, I dropped Zach off at Jered's for the birthday sleepover. Even though Jered is two years younger than Zach, they have always been pretty close in height. I think Jered has passed him up a couple of times, but today they looked pretty even:

All three boys have always been pretty close to the same height, so it must be time for Andrew to have a growth spurt:

I know it's cliche', but these boys are growing up too dang fast!!! It's hard to believe. . .

The girls had fun hanging out at the church during committee meetings.

They wanted me to take a silly picture:

I was very encouraged at the meeting and I'm excited about the things I'll be involved in when school starts back up in a few weeks.
I invited the girls to stay the night at my house:

Megan decided to go home around 11:00 which I totally understood. Her family has been facing some pretty tough things lately and she can't help but be affected by it. I really didn't care for sleepovers much when I was this age. I preferred my own bed with my mom and dad close by. The other two stayed up way too late, but they had a good time. We've really been blessed with the friends our kid's have chosen to hang out with.

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