Friday, July 27, 2007

Rose Room Event

The dunking at the lake has made my camera very unpredictable so when it turned on this morning, I woke the kids up to take their picture!! I guess I'm a little obsessed. . .

Tonight we ran sound for a big 50th birthday party blow-out. While we were setting up in the afternoon, the professional photographers "borrowed" Gloria to be their model. I guess they were checking for lighting and stuff so they took a bunch of pictures which, obviously, thrilled her!
From set-up to tear-down, we were at the Rose Room from 2:30 p.m. to roughly 1:30 a.m. Well, I excused myself around 11:00 to pick up the kids at Kristin's house and Dale came back and helped Rob pack everything away, so really, Rob was the one that was there for 11 hours! This was a party that my sister was invited to so I got to hang out with her and meet her friends (our worlds collided!!) so that part was fun. The room isn't terribly large and there were, I'm guessing, 500 people there dancing to music from a very loud, live band so by the time I left I had major sensory overload. My camera made a short come-back and I was able to take a couple of pictures.

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