Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Day 1 of the event-from-hell
(This is technically Thursday's post even though I'm posting it on Sunday, and all of the pictures are from Thursday, but as I type this up, I already know what is ahead and it's not pretty.)

Dale and Rob ended up working at the shop all night long (no sleep at all) to work on things needed for the show. Rob has been re-doing his lighting rack and Dale is making wash lights. I left the shop around midnight. We had to be at the fairgrounds to start setting up at 9:00 a.m. I love this picture of Gary, Dale and Rob in the big box truck:

We couldn't set up until all of the bleachers were in place so we started by unloading the cases out of the truck:

Donuts, coffee, and Gatorade:

Back at the shop to continue work on the dimmers:

The next load is the truss and lift stands:

Then the stage has to be unloaded. . .

. . . and set up:

The video guys arrive and start to set up screens and pipe and drape:

We hired Marc's company to do the video and they went above and beyond to help in other ways. All of the truss has to be bolted together and put up on the Genie lifts:

Dale was a little loopy after a sleepless night, but he still worked his tail off:

Setting the truss on the Genie lifts:

Next the stage decks for front-of-house (foh: mixer, processing racks, etc.) and for the video screens get set up:

Light bars are hung, intelligent lighting is set and subs are put in place:

These are the wash lights that Dale has been working so hard on:

(Side note: this is what they looked like when he started:)

Yep, these are walk/don't walk street signs!

By 9:00, we've set everything we can but there will still be a major amount of work that will have to be accomplished by showtime tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m.

We have to be out of the building by 10:00 so Dale sets to work programming the intelligent lights with the laptop:

Rob is worried about the intelligent lights. As brilliant as Rob is, computers aren't his forte'.

This is one example of what these lights are supposed to do (of course, not on the floor, but on the stage and ceiling):

Back at the shop around 11:00 p.m., still sleepless, big day tomorrow (Dale is driving to Pullman, WA for a D.J. gig and has to pack his stuff and leave early), and still working on the lighting program:

I stay until about 2:30 and go home exhausted and dreading tomorrow. The kids have been in good hands and I come home to this sign on the door:

AND sleeping babies:

I'm also praying that Rob and Dale get some sleep and that Dale drives safely in the a.m.
I don't sleep very well. . .

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