Sunday, March 4, 2007

March 3, 2007 QUIZ MEET!!

Saturday was our fourth and final meet of the year. The kids were well prepared and were looking forward to the event.

If you look closely at this picture, you will see one of the secret's to Zach's success. Each chair has a pad on it that is wired to a box on the judges desk; once the quizzer's "seat" is lifted off the wired seat, a light goes off for the judge to see. A quizzer doesn't need to jump to be recognized, he or she just has to lift their backside off of the chair. Zach has nearly perfected this swift motion.

The Boise Quiz Team at their final match!

We did well all day with our final talley at 15 wins/2 losses. In one round we were tied with the #1 team who has consistently beat us and on the tie-breaker question, Andrew was the first one up and answered correctly- it was beautiful!

The rounds of quizzing started at 9:45 and ended at about 4:00 with lunch in the middle. The verse-off began at 4:15 . . . Zach knew all 20 of his verses and had practiced until he could almost say them backwards. . . then the bright lights and the people and the stress. . . he blanked out on the first one. :( But life goes on. Talli went on to do very well!!

At the awards ceremony after dinner, Zach recieved a blue ribbon for first place for an individual in the middle school division. I was so proud!!

Our team also took first place!!!!
Since this was the final match of the season, point totals were added up for the three out of four best meets and season awards were announced. For the 2006-2007 quizzing season, Boise Friends placed third!!! The kids were awarded really cool individual plaques as well as a larger plaque to hang up at church.
To decide on the top three in the individual category, they called up the top 8 quizzers for the season and had them quiz against each other for one final round. The round would end when 3 people quizzed out, resulting in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. It was very stressful and exciting and we were all on the edges of our seats!!

When all was said and done, Zach was the 3rd person to quiz out, recieving 3rd place for an individual for the year!!! All of the top 8 quizzers were awarded a medal for this acheivement!

I'd say we did ok!

After each quiz meet the hosting church plans a fun event. This meet it was a gym full of fun activities including a joust and karoke!!

Gloria and Megan were pretty evenly matched.

Rob got in on the fun and wanted to be King of the Hill!

Zach and Jered having fun!

This was a catapult activity where you had a stretchy rope around your waist and you had to see how far you could stretch out before you were flung backwards with great force! Gloria seemed to like this one the best.

Steve and I sang a little karoke (Summer Nights!!) but thankfully there are no pictures to prove it!!

This has very little to do with quizzing, but I found this picture in a box a few weeks ago and I've been desperately wanting to post it. I figured I could just wait until Halloween, but I found the perfect blogging moment at the quiz meet!!

When the Koskela's lived in Boise, we had four families that would trick-or-treat together. There were four older kids and four younger kids
I convinced the same four kids to pose in the same order for blogging purposes only!!!!!
I just couldn't help myself!!! I'm guessing they were about 6 and 7 in the first picture.

It was an exhausting day but we all survived it. The team has already started studying for next year!!

1 comment:

Gregg Koskela said...

I love that you posted all this!! Especially the picture you made them pose for. That was very, very fun!

We got very little info about the tourney, so it was good to read your account. PLEASE tell the team of yours that I think they are awesome and I'm very proud of them!