Saturday, April 30, 2011

Broken. Record.

So. . . Lucy is back in the hospital.  She showed signs of having a bleeding problem last night- the bruising on her belly became much, much worse and the little cut on her nose began to drip.  She had such a good day that it was difficult to make the decision to take her in but, finally, at about 1:30 a.m. we made the trip back to the vet hospital to have them take a look at her.  They took a blood draw and confirmed that she is bleeding again but they don't know right now how bad it is but it does prove that her liver is not yet able to function the way it needs to.  Without racking up another huge bill, they are going to do what they can and observe her closely for at least today.  We are wating to hear from the specialist that has been treating her to see if there are any options left.  Hopefully we'll hear something soon. . .

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