Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The 10 State Road Trip, Part 1. . .

I haven't said too much about the big road trip due to the fact that, #1: I wasn't on it and #2: I was a little busy cleaning out the attic while they were gone. However, I sent Zach with instructions to take lots of pictures but then he forgot the camera. Thankfully, Grandpa didn't forget HIS camera so Zach obeyed his mom and took 636 pictures, give or take. I wonder who he gets that from??
I'm going to put together a slide show of the trip but, in the meantime, I'll put up some of my favorites. This set was taken somewhere in Nebraska. . .

Apparently, the guys were just driving along the freeway . . .
. . . when they saw this:

It was a great and successful advertisement for this:

Zach was our resident expert on all things dinosaur for many, many years (still is, I guess) so it seems very fitting that they took the time to see all of this:

1 comment:

Jonathan Beckett said...

Greetings from England! Just ran across your blog while exploring Blogger, and have followed it immediately.

We have been meaning too take our kids to the Natural History Museum in London to see the dinosaurs - after seeing your pictures, I'm adding it back onto the todo list :)