Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quick House Update. . .

Yep, still working on the house. Here's a quick update with some of my Blackberry pics. Gloria's room is slowly but surely coming together. The colors don't look nearly as bad as I thought they might! Who knew that purple, blue and green could look so nice together??

The family room has kind of been put on hold while we finish Gloria's room because we are just down to the floor coverings and a little bit of trim but here's a picture that may not make any sense if you don't see a before picture (which I don't have). This book shelf has had floor to ceiling books on it that I have actually kept in ALPHABETICAL order for about the last 5 or 6 years. But it still seemed too unorganized for our lovely new room so I emptied the shelves! I'm not sure exactly what we'll put on the shelves in the future but for now I think my LOTR collection looks pretty good!

I never thought I would actually show the following picture. BUT, in order to really appreciate all of my hard work, you really have to take a good look at this BEFORE picture. Our attic is fairly good sized. This picture shows just the portion in the middle - you can actually stand up where the ceiling peaks (as long as you're under 5'2"!!) so it's been a really nice storage space. Unfortunately, the last several years it has been used more as a stuffing space. I'm embarrassed to say that I couldn't even put my Christmas boxes away for the last two years because it was pretty much impossible to get past the attic stairs.

While Rob and Zach were away on their Missouri road trip, I moved into the attic. It took the better part of two days and a slew of big, black garbage bags but this is what it looks like now:

Every box is labeled and organized and contains about half of the stuff that it held before I began my attack. Even my Christmas boxes found a home tucked up neatly against one wall where I can easily reach them and return them at will. It was hard work but oh so satisfying.

Finally, part of this whole project has been to make the space in the house that has a garage door attached to it actually function like a garage. We have been unable to open the garage door for several weeks now because, in the process of having it replaced, the garage door installers hit a snag and left it for another day. Or month. Or year. Anyway, the mustang will fit snugly on one side of the garage and I will have all of this shelf space on the other. These shelves will house books and games and other important things that I might need access to on any given day. I also sorted billions and billions of markers, crayons, scissors, glue and any other like item you can imagine into nice, neat little cubby drawers. That should last about 2 weeks. Tops.

So, I guess things are coming along just fine. Hopefully we can make some major progress this weekend and I can post a better update!!
(PS Still having major problems with how IE9 interacts with the new Blogger Editor so my spacing is all wonky. . .bleh )

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