Friday, December 3, 2010

Month-At-A-Glance Through The Eyes of My Blackberry. . .

Yesterday I mentioned that I take many, many pictures with my phone because I'm a little obsessive that way so I decided to do a month-at-a-glance post with the pictures from my phone over the last 30 days. It's a very interesting mix of pix. . .

This first one was taken at the church on the Wednesday before Halloween. I walked into the gym and saw what looked like a tall, slim, cute girl. . .

And then Zach turned around!!! For some unknown reason he decided to try on Gloria's Halloween costume. . .

Of course, I made everyone else try on the wig. . .



On November 4th we worked with KTSY on a fund raising concert at the Jordan Ballroom at BSU. . .

I was pleasantly surprised at how good the artist, Wayne Watson, turned out to be. He was a "big" Christian artist back in the late 80's/early 90's and toured with Sandi Patti. I thought he might be a little outdated and cheesy but he proved me wrong.
Very talented. Very relevant. Very nice.

We've been working on a big case order all month and I'm sure I'll have more details on that later but it feels like we've been eating, sleeping, breathing cases. . .

5 of 17 . . .

On November 7th we helped with another fund raiser. This time it was for Love Inc and it was at The Egyptian. I posted all of the pictures on FB and decided not to post them all here but it was a really good event. We worked with some really nice people and the event drew more of a crowd than was expected. . .

We have recently acquired another building. Back in the depths of my blog there is an on going saga of moving from building to building over the years but I'm not yet ready to dig into the archives yet so I'll save that for a future post and just show off a picture of my new office. Try not to be too envious.

While Blackberry pictures may lack quality, they are very good at capturing moments that might otherwise be forgotten. Our cat, who owns us, not vice-versa, has taken a special liking to Gloria. She sleeps on Gloria's bunk bed even though she has to make quite a leap to get there and she has started giving Gloria regular face cleanings. This prompted Gloria to do a Google search on "why do cats lick people on the face?" which resulted in the knowledge that it shows that the person getting the licking is part of that cat's social circle. I am totally OK with not being a part of my cat's social circle.

I don't recommend it, but I've been known to pull out my Blackberry when I see something random on the road while I'm driving. . .

How often do you see something like this???? And what kind of vehicle would you need them for??

Wednesday night quiz practice. . .

More cases. . .

I can't help but take pictures when I see something this cute. . .

This is our Pastors' cute kid who reminds me sooooo much of Jered. . .

Shows are usually few and far between in the winter but the Civic Center keeps us (well, Kurt usually) pretty busy. It took all three of us to run a show in there on November 20th. Rob ran sound, Kurt ran lights . . .

. . . and I was stuck at the monitor board. It's very stressful for me to be at the monitor board and I usually try to get out of it if possible but it really wasn't too bad. We worked with a band that we've worked with plenty of times before and, except for a little bit of feedback at the beginning, everything went pretty well.

O yeah, I was also in charge of the fog machine. I only got a little bit carried away a couple of times and had to open the back door to clear it out!!!

When we had our annual fund raiser for quizzing a couple of weeks ago, there was a bidding war over the cake that Gloria made. We solved that problem by making another for someone who said he would match the winning bidders price. In between all of the other things I have going on we managed to whip out another one just like it. . .

And. . . more cases. . . .

. . . more cases. . .

Gloria loves self-portraits. The actual picture ended up as the last picture of my Thanksgiving post. . .

The Blazing Pianos show at the Civic Center. It was really good. . .

John Taffin spoke about his near-death experience at church last Sunday. He's a great speaker and has had such an interesting life. He and Bob Drake even sang at the end! Am I the only one who pulls out a camera during church???

A BIG snow storm came through on November 30th. It dumped a lot of snow in a very short period of time. . .

Gloria was outside first thing in the morning to take advantage of the fresh snow. . .

This is the bottom layer of a huge snowman that she built that I didn't get a picture of. . .

We ended up having a snow day on Wednesday and it felt like everything was shut down. Unfortunately, we had a show scheduled in Baker City for Thursday and the show must go on in spite of the weather. Rob decided to leave on Wednesday evening instead of taking his chances on Thursday morning. We packed the truck and he asked Gloria if she would like to go with him. I had already planned to stay home and pack for the weekend's quiz meet and I didn't want him to go alone. Besides, I couldn't think of one good reason she should stay home. After they left, I thought of a pretty good reason. Yeah, school. I guess all of those years of homeschooling and taking off on a whim were stuck in my brain and I forgot about school.

After getting a new set of tires put on the truck, Rob and Gloria headed for Baker around 6:00 p.m.

It took them over 4 hours to get there. But they made it safe and sound and had a great time. They stayed in a big fancy hotel in the middle of town and Rob sent me this picture of Gloria in the hotel bathrobe:

And now, as I write this post, they are headed home from Baker after a very successful event only to turn around and head to McCall for the quiz meet. The rest of the team and I will be heading out this afternoon as well for a long weekend of quizzing.
And that's my month, in a nutshell.

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