Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Party #2 . . . aka Hiner Christmas Eve. . .

I adored Christmas when I was little. We had traditions that were VERY important to me. One of those traditions was to open PJs on Christmas Eve. I also have a memory of playing Monopoly every Christmas Eve but that might just be wishful thinking since no one else in my family really can recall it. . .
Another of my memories is that, no matter how many gifts I received, I just wanted ONE more. Just one. Even after we gathered gifts from grandparents, aunts and uncles, I had a longing for one more thing. I don't think it was greediness because I've never really been a collector of "stuff" (well, except for paper dolls, Barbies and Fisher Price Little People) so I've come to explain it as a need to hold on to Christmas. As long as we have gifts to open, it's still Christmas, right??

As an adult, I find that I still have those feelings except that I don't need anything for myself. I just want everyone else to get exactly what they want!! But I've also learned with age that it's about so much more than presents. (cue sappy music here) I so enjoy spending time with family and during the busy-ness of the year, it just doesn't happen often enough. I'm sure my kids would disagree, but if Christmas became just a time to hang with family without a single gift, it would still feel like Christmas. You know, as long as there was a tree with pretty lights. . .

All that to say, we had a lovely time at my parent's house on Christmas Eve!

This is the entryway that my parents have decorated with all of the handmade gifts they've received from the grand kids over the years:
We had a great time recalling memories of past ornaments. . .

These cute little reindeer are the tracings of hands and feet of the four grand kids from a couple of years ago. Ethan is the little white one, then Spencer, Zach and Gloria. . .

We were so inspired by the craftiness that we decided to make a new round of tracings. . .

The finished products were. . . interesting. . . L to R: Ethan, Spencer, Gloria and Zach. . .

Not really sure what he was thinking . . .
When I was growing up, we always played a lot of games. That's one tradition that has continued through the years. . .

I'm not the only one with the competitive gene; you should have seen the victory dance Spence did when he beat his dad at Chess. Nice!

Love these pictures of my mom and dad. . .

We had a simple baked potato bar for dinner. . .
Not sure what the story was here, but it must have been good. . .

After dinner, we spent some time reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas. . .

My parents and grandparents always emphasized the Christmas story when I was growing up and I've tried to continue with that tradition. . .

My mom made cards with a highlight of each member of the Nativity Scene on each one. The cards were passed out and, during the reading of each one, Gloria and Ethan shone their flashlights on that character in the stable . . .

(our family painted this Nativity scene when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I painted the camel!)

After the serious reading, we continued the Christmas story with a White Elephant Exchange! My mom read a story about the wise men traveling to Bethlehem that contained the words, Left, Right, Over, Under and Across. Each time you heard one of these words, your package was passed to another person in that manner. The pictures can explain it better than words!!

When the story was over, we drew numbers and the first person could choose to open their package or "steal" one from someone else. The game continued until every package had been opened. . .

We keep our Christmas gift exchange pretty simple and just give gifts to the kids along with a few homemade things here and there. Ethan was very happy with the Lego sticker book we gave him!!

Even though Gale and Tracie live in Boise, we usually only see them on Christmas Eve. Not sure why that is. It's always fun to hang out with them. Well, except for the time Tracie and Rob threw me in their pool one summer when I was in a dress. I can laugh about it now, but at the time?? Ok, I think I laughed about it then, too. . .

I was lucky enough to get a Harry Potter Scene It game for a white elephant gift so we spent the rest of the evening watching the DVD from that. . .

I have so many good memories of Christmas as a child (and as an adult!) and I'm glad I'm able to pass that on to my kids.
The fun continued when we got home that evening and into the next day. . .

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