Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We have enjoyed a good relationship with the people at The Egyptian Theater over the last couple of years and they have now dubbed us their "preferred sound company". This means that when someone books a concert in The Egyptian, they are given our contact information and a healthy recommendation. It's not a guarantee that we'll get the show but it gives us an edge and it's a really nice item to put on our resume'. . . IF we had a resume'. . . As our outdoor concerts come to an end, it's time to gear up for the indoor gigs. This could mean not so many stage set-ups and definitely no canopy set-ups. Hallelujah! Anyway. . . we spent some time this week ("we" means mostly Rob and Kurt) at the theater getting things ready for the season. Of course, it's very important to take pictures from the top floor of the parking garage. . .

Last Spring, we sold our stage to The Egyptian. It was the best sale we ever made! I haven't missed setting up, clamping and shimming this stage one bit! It needed a little maintenance in order to be ready for the season so "we" spent some time working on that . . .

"We" also had to make some adjustments to the sound system that "flys" over the stage. They don't lower this very often since it is a pretty complicated system of pulleys, ropes and chains, but it was very interesting to watch!

It will be interesting to see how the Fall/Winter season shapes up. . . We already have some very entertaining shows booked in September and October and I'm betting the rest of the months will prove to be very interesting as well. . .

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