Friday, September 12, 2008

A Sense of Dread. . .

Out of all of the events we did last year, the one we have coming up this weekend was the very worst. In fact, we were treated so poorly that I told Rob that we would never, ever be doing that event again. Ever. So, a couple of months ago we got a call from the festival organizer asking if we were available this year for the same event. Rob's memories must not be as vivid as mine because he agreed to do the event. For a price. A steeper price than last year. In his defense, he let them know that things would have to be much different this year and he let them know how bad it was last year AND he cleared it with me first. . . But I'm still not looking forward to it.

This festival requires 2 stages, 3 sound systems and 2 speaker "towers" on 2 different corners in order to provide coverage for roughly 4 city blocks. It's a pretty big set up but the truck is still loaded from the last event so the main thing that had to get done was to add 4 more stage decks to what I call "The Squatty Stage". We need these for another event this month so it was something that had to get done anyway. . .
The guys decided to sand and paint the existing decks as well since they are looking pretty rough after several uses this summer.
I'm sure things will be much better this year considering that last year we were triple-booked and couldn't even set up until after midnight and this year we have all day Friday to set up. But, I'm still not looking forward to it. . .

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