Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

Every year I question my sanity just a little as I prepare for another year of homeschooling. I'm sure my life would be a little bit easier if my kids left the house at 7:30 a.m. and didn't return until after 3 p.m. I'm sure I could accomplish a great deal in their absence. But maybe not. Everyone has different reasons for homeschooling their kids including religious ideals and anti-government theories. I've tried to come up with a sensible list of reasons I've chosen to educate my kids at home but the simple truth is, it's just the best fit for our family. I enjoy being with my kids (most of the time) and I really enjoy learning right along with them. I have found big gaps in my education, especially in the areas of history and science, so it's been a real learning experience for me, too. It was harder to get organized this year but by Tuesday morning I had enough of a plan to at least get started. We don't rush around in the mornings and I enjoy it when the kids sleep in and I get a little peace and quiet, so school started on the first day around 11:00 a.m. Gloria had a great attitude and finished all of her work in about 3 hours.

This is how Zach spends most of his school day. He manages to sit up for science experiments and math but the couch is usually his desk. Much of his work is review this week and he had to read all of the introductions in his texts so he managed to finish in about 3 hours as well.

When we really get into the swing of things, Gloria's schoolwork will take about 4 hours/day for 4th grade and Zach's will take 5-7 hours for 10th grade depending on how focused they are.

On a side note, both the U-haul and the van are running again!! The van needed an alternator and the truck needed a clutch. It's so beneficial for us that Kurt is an experienced mechanic! We'll try not to take advantage of that fact but it's kind of like having a doctor in the family when you have chronic illnesses. . .

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