Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Roller Coaster Ride

During the summer of 2006 our family went to Lagoon for a short but fun family vacation. One of the roller coasters there reminded me very much of my life:
There were quick, unpredictable turns, slow ascents and breathtaking drops, and you never knew if the next turn would leave you facing forwards, backwards or upside down. I have often felt backwards and upside down in this business that we are in because it is not familiar territory to me. I've learned many things over the last few years that I would never have intentionally learned left to my own devices and there are still many, many holes in my knowledge, or lack thereof, in this crazy business that I co-own. If we were starting back at square one tomorrow, knowing now what I didn't know then, I don't think I would have the courage to take that first step. I've survived the last four summers mainly because I've been on this wild ride that seemingly holds me in through sheer inertia. (I sometimes have to remind Rob, "You're in this business because you love it. I'm in this business because I love you.") The roller coaster has been coasting along this winter as if it's pausing to let riders off and on. I guess you could say I've even gotten off myself and taken a little breather. Lately I've started to feel like we're slowly creeping back up the steepest part of the track and, before I've properly braced myself, we'll be racing down the other side, hitting a sharp turn that will spin me backward and we'll be rocketing upside down through another loop-de-loop. I hope I can hang on. . .

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