Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ramblings On A Very Good Day

Today was a good, if unusual, day. I woke up to snow again this morning and it continued to fall in big, fat, yummy flakes all day long. I had no where to go and no intention of leaving the house so the day seemed to stretch endlessly before me. I had a quiet house all to myself for a couple of hours in the morning before the rest of the family stirred and interrupted my solitude. I really enjoy the time before everyone else wakes up and I tiptoe around to ensure they sleep a little longer even though a herd of buffalo would have to come through to really make a difference. When I was good and ready to have company, I decided to make pancakes, from scratch, which I never, ever do, so the kids actually came running when I told them I had fixed breakfast. You'd think I was giving them silver dollars instead of pancakes the way they reacted! Gloria even told me I was the best mommy in the world! The day continued along this vein all day long. Both kids had good attitudes about school and we accomplished quite a bit. Zach's Algebra lessons are becoming increasingly difficult and it took me awhile to wrap my mind around this story problem: "The number of bacteria in the petri dish quadrupled every hour. There were 1000 bacteria at t=0. Write an exponential equation that expresses the number of bacteria as a function of time. Using this equation, find how many bacteria there were at t=24 hours." It wasn't as hard as it looked and I not only figured it out, but I explained it to Zach in a way he could understand it. I felt smart for a good 10 minutes afterwards! The day went so smoothly that I just kept expecting something to mess it up. AND for the second time in one day, I cooked from scratch!! Hard to believe if you know me very well, but for lunch I made mashed potatoes and gravy with oven baked fried chicken. The kids were in awe. I felt like a good cook for a good 10 minutes. Gloria told me, again, that I was the best mommy in the world. We finished all of our schoolwork, including a science experiment that required a 9 volt battery and Epsom salt, and the kids had time to play in the snow with their neighborhood friends. They built a HUGE snowman. When they came home we played a game and had leftovers for dinner (I just can't cook three times in one day, it would cause all kinds of unrealistic expectations!) It's 10:00 p.m. as I write this and the kids are already in bed watching a movie, so the house is quiet, again. It's been a nice break from our usual, crazy routine. I'm sure things will be back to "normal" by morning!

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