Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dress Rehearsal!

Every year Louise and I say in exhaustion, "No more plays!" and every year the kids beg for a play and we always give in. Louise is the mastermind behind our plays and the one who really does most of the work. This year, she wrote the play, copied and highlighted all the scripts, found wonderful songs, drug out all the past costumes and found people to give us a hand. I'm really thankful that I'm on her team!! We had our dress rehearsal on Saturday and had the kids run through the play in their costumes. They love this stuff!!

The run through went about as well as can be expected and we left knowing that whatever happens tomorrow, parents and grandparents will enjoy watching the kid's act out the Christmas story. After the rehearsal, Rob and I loaded the truck and set up for a show that he will run sound for later tonight at the Basque Center downtown.

The set-up and show went smoothly and Rob was home by 1:00 a.m. This won't give us much sleep before the big day tomorrow but we're kinda used to that. . .

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