Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Christmas Program

Well, the play went off without a hitch. Okay, there were a few hitches, but we were pleasantly surprised at how well it went! Gloria played the part of Mary and Elsie was the angel, Gabrielle, who gave her the good news of Jesus' coming arrival:

Cade played Joseph and did a wonderful job. It was fun to watch these two sit together and yet try to keep their distance:

Gloria and Elsie each had a solo and then sang a duet together before being joined by the choir. It was beautiful . . .

I thoroughly enjoyed having the youth participate this year. Zach and Steph each had a solo that went beautifully. They all really helped the play come together and gave the younger kids just a little more confidence to sing out.

I was very proud of all the kids and this made Christmas that much more meaningful to me. We had several visitors today at church, including Zane, who runs the Egyptian, and his mom. We even had a chance to take some annual family photos afterwards in the sanctuary:

Rob's mom almost had to play for the kid's program today since Rob's smashed finger wasn't cooperating. She practiced all the songs and was willing and ready to help us out if needed. She was pretty relieved, though, when Rob was able to play the songs after all.

It was a great relief to check this day off of my list of things to do. It was the last of a very long list of things that needed to happen over the last two weeks. As much as I enjoyed it and was glad to be a part of it, I'm glad it's over so I can relax and focus on my family and Christmas.

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