Saturday, November 10, 2007

An Exception

These three girls are an exception to my last post. They have their share of issues, but they've been friends for over 8 years without any significant problems.
This picture was taken back in August and I have a bunch more like it that I'm sure I'll be posting as I grieve. It's hard to write about the McConaugheys moving because I want to be supportive of their decision but we can't help but be impacted in a major way by it. Just for the record, I do support their decision. I believe it was made prayerfully as they wrestled with what God wanted for their family. Gloria wisely said, "If God wants them to go, then they need to go." As I've struggled to pray for them, I've had a feeling that this move and career change will be a really good thing for their family. I also have a sense that God is going to do something really exciting at BFC in the process. But I want them here, with us, so no matter how supportive I am, no matter how much I believe God is very much at work, it still sucks for us. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with my own emotion and the emotion of my kids and not project that onto this family.
I know I'm planning to make the most of the time we have.

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