Friday, February 22, 2013

Good News / Bad News

Today was one of those days that proved Brads theory on several occasions: if things are good, wait and it will change. If things are bad, wait and it will change.

It started this morning on my way to work. I sent up a short plea for a little good news. Five minutes later, our friend and customer, TJ, called and said he was coming to the shop and had money to spend. Good News!

Not 10 minutes after I arrived at the shop, the neighbor two doors down dropped in to say that the Hookah Bar next door had their conditional use permit approved and would soon be open for business. She called it good news but she was being very sarcastic. Bad News.

Later in the day another friend and customer came in to tell us he had purchased a small sound system at Guitar Center. Bad News.

However, the only reason he bought it was because its been discontinued and was dirt cheap. We went down and bought the last two and will possibly double our money. Good News!

Later in the day we set up for a jazz group out of Seattle in the Sapphire Rm across the street. We started the sound check and they didn't seem very happy with the sound. The accordion player was especially vocal about it and didn't veil his criticism of the room or of the sound guy. Bad News.

After the band's first set, the band couldn't stop saying how great the sound was. They just weren't used to having the speakers behind them and once the room filled up, it was amazing. People love that room and sometimes we get to reap the fruits of our labor. Good News!

So at the end of the day I can honestly say, "all's well that ends well....."

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